Just when I was convinced that I was pregnant, I wake up at 4 something in the morning needing to pee....my logical side said get up & pee! while my obsessed side said in a smiegel voice no no my precious, must stay in bed, must take temp...so I temped. 98.08 friggin degrees! What is THAT supposed to mean???? I mean, really now...yesterday and the day before were so beautiful....then 98.08 friggin degrees. So what did CC's mind do? Wander aimlessly to the hall closet, pulled out a pack of tp & an HPT and wandered back to the RR. P'd on the stick and waited....blank and more blank...knowing full well that 10dpo is way too early for anything yet allowing it to ran on my parade of 1. I wandered back to bed to fall back into the state of blissful oblivion that I so was enjoying before my bladder rudely awoke me. I awoke again at 6:30 or so, I can't even remember anymore. another temp this time 98.14. Not much of a rebound but I decided it was a keeper, but probably up higher due to getting up and fumbling around with tp and hpt's before getting back to the bed at 5 in the morning.
So, here it is...in all its brutally honest whiteness...

So what I really want to do is go on strike from Blog and FF for a few days....stop and get myself together and hopefully come out of this cycle with my sanity. I really feel now that maybe I am sooo wanting to be pregnant to avoid IVF that I have stooped myself into believing I really am pregnant....or on the brighter side, I am.
uhh..CC... I may be imagining things..but when I saw this pic..I immediately saw a faint line. I checked a few different times and I STILL see it
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