It was absolutely wonderful to see them again!
Had a great visit with my new OB. He's fantastic, warm and inviting. Did an u/s even though I wasn't scheduled for one ;) Said I'll get an u/s at every visit from now on since I told him I was spoiled with Dr. G and got one at every visit! No video updates since his machine didn't do video, but I hope his new machine @ the new building does!
I asked lots of questions and he answered lots of questions, just an all around great doc. Said I could call with any little question or concern, even if I think it's not OB related!
Did lots of bloodwork, took 6 vials (I nearly fainted, told the phlebotomist to save some for Dracula!)
Said he usually delivers 80% of his patients babies, and that typically he sets a target date for twin deliveries 3 weeks prior to the EDD. (yay! April babies! Target date is now April 10th!)
I suppose the worse news I got today was that he'll want me to start bedrest at about 26 weeks....we're talking the end of January! yikes! Thank God we're self-employed! We're going to discuss it more in depth as we progress though, but that is a precautionary measure he takes with twin pregnancies....to avoid complications, pre-term delivery etc. I understand him totally.
Weird thing, he said he's heard of my hubby! (as awesome a trial attorney as he is...I wouldn't doubt it)!
Next visit is in 4 weeks (four longggg weeeekks) and at that visit we'll get the "big" u/s! Nov 22nd, I'll be 17 weeks 1 day!
So, in sum, I was completely satisfied with my new doc. They'll be in the new building by my next apppointment and that'll be an exciting adventure all its own.
Now I'm tired, 2 hour appt. had me wanting to take a cat nap. So, ta ta for now, mommy-to-be needs a nap!
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