Beta banominom!
Yesterday we didnt get to take Qiqi on her birthday ride around the neighborhood. She LOVES going for rides & that was supposed to be her b-day gift. I took some pics of her and her "man" too cute!

And lastly, in this pic, I kept calling her name and she wouldn't look at me! Spoiled rotten!

On another "front" I pulled on an old one piece this morning to take a pic of my belly> As of this morning, it hasn't gone down much. and I weighed myself, up another pound and a half.....ho hum! Hardly any boobs, but plenty of belly! View these pics with the Destiny's Child song in your head "I don't think you're ready for this [b]elly!"

Update lataz on the betaz!
Hurry up damn you child....I NEED TO KNOW what your numbers be killin' me....
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