
Babies this week:

Your baby measures about 3.7 to 4.1 inches (about 9.3 to 10.3cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 1.75 ounces (50g).
Your baby's bones still consist of soft cartilage but they are now beginning to harden and the development of the bones and the marrow continues. Her ears are developing into a more recognizable shape and any hair already on the head and brows will become thicker.
Your baby may already be sucking her thumb.
Her skin is thin and translucent and all her blood vessels can be seen through it.
Her hair continues to grow on her head and her eyebrows. If her hair will be dark, the follicles will start to generate pigment to color her hair.
Your baby is moving more now and is becoming increasingly flexible. She can bend her arms at the elbows and wrists and she can make tiny fists with her hands.
(From FF)
Mommy 2 be:
Week 14 of our Pregnancy...not as fatigued as before *thank God* but instead grappling with other pregnancy symptoms. Still enjoy having them and wouldn't trade them in for the whole wide world --round ligament pains are not fun though. Otherwise, on autopilot....

Daddy to be:
Gave the OK for a stroller I've been oogling....Found it in Pregnancy Buyer's Guide magazine and it seems to be the perfect one for our two..

Collapsed, it seems to be not as bulky as the Valco stroller we looked at last weekend.

Will have to order online as all retailers are up north or in the wheels, not cheap plastic, but sturdy rubber wheels that can be replaced if needed. Seems to be useful for when they get a little older too, great for strolls in the neighborhood etc.. Saving $100 a week til I have it covered, then ordering it, just so I can send payment immediately to the credit card and have it be a wash....
Tata for now...14 weeks, 23 weeks left...
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