Christmas is almost here....
And while some are still on their quest, I must share that although we're closer to our goal of becoming parents, we're still not there just yet. I can only encourage you all to stay the course, stick with your plan, never abandon your dreams. It seemed like I would do just that many times....and in the end I resolved to plow forward.
The mind is a powerful tool...use it.
Meditation is a method, a means by which you can use your mind to your advantage...Feel your goal. Smell it. Touch it. Reach out and hold it. It will be yours.
May God Bless you all this Holiday season. Stay safe friends.
Babies this week:
Babies move around a lot at this time, and they are not settled head down (the usual position for birth) for some time yet. Large meals may make you feel uncomfortable. This might carry on for the rest of your pregnancy. Aim to eat smaller meals more often! You may find your breathing is affected a little by your growing uterus - extra effort may leave you slightly breathless. This is because your uterus is pushing against your diaphragm, leaving less space for your lungs. Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby. {}
My belly!

My shiner! No not a black eye! LOL!

Daddy & I went and registered this weekend at Target. Short and painless. It was weird....seeing all the things that one day may end up in our home. Baby stuff. Being together 13 years and married over 7, we have never had "baby" stuff in our home. The closest we've gotten is pet stuff, newborn puppy stuff and then the small tokens (stuffed animals) that we purchased right after our 1st pregnancy.... Other than that, this is definitely a DINK home. Double Income No Kids...all adult stuff....that will soon change I hope.... then we'll have a "Married with Children" home...ok so that is way not cool. that makes Hubby Al Bundy and me, PEG!!!!
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