Baby Showers and Test Tube Baby's
We got them the crib bedding & a lamp. They're now pretty much set. I think they need one more car seat for the 2nd car and of course diapers!

Some pics, only a few as I was busy videotaping!

Before this pic, he went around with the dress, he loved it so much he walked around with it. here he took the bloomers and did the same. It was trulu a beautiful dress.

Al thanking everyone, and a bit shy about it!

I loved the theme! it was tres chic & retro, a reflection of Sis Adrienne's taste! Looks like we got stiff competition!

Your truly video taping/eating/oohing and awwwing!

As for me, I'm onto the IVF cycle I've been talking about. Test Tube Baby is in my future :)
$7,000.00 IVF costs, plus about $1500.00 in medications. Emotional/physical costs are immeasurable but a baby in arms is priceless...
DH said today he wants to move forward, and this is what we need to do. Of course, through prayer all things are possible. I just need to put my faith in His hands and take what he hands me.....
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