Happy Birthday Dad!

Phew! Belly has gone down significantly, not really coming through in this pic, but considering where it was just a week ago, I consider this pretty flat~
Weight adjusting nicely, still holding at 129....(wanted to lose to 120 but with this new 'development' don't expect to get there any time soon)
On the homefront; Roger came in & did his work, was done by noon and now we have no more leaking...just need the ceiling area to dry then we can start on getting it repaired.
A new set of plumbers came in, did all sorts of roto-rooting...and the problems appear to be solved...just hoping it stays that way!
Today! My Daddy's 76th Birthday. Born September 3, 1929, he is Father to 7 children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. Inspiration to all of us, we get our generosity & hard working ethic from him (Mom's a hard worker too, let me not count her out on that one). Dad always encouraged us to church, sometimes overdoing it, causing me to rebel as a teen and get a weekend job just to "keep busy" Most of us are practicing catholics...a few (Bobby & I) catholics without "attending" church. And Betty B - a non-denominationalist since she married in 1976.
We're all going over to Mom & Dad's this evening. Gotta run out and get his birthday present. What do I get the man who has everything and needs nothing? Hmmm...always a predicament for me come Birthdays, holidays etc. I'll think of something as usual...
On the baby front: Feeling better than yesterday which was a day full of cramping, laying in bed til 11am, sooo tired I worked just 2 hours & came home.... Feeling a tight, pulling sensation over the lower middle area of my abdomen.
Not much else to report. Will update pics of tonight laterz....meanwhile I have an appeal I brought home that I need to belt out & get in the mail by this evening, the deadline having been yesterday...postage stamped on the envelope already! :)
cute belly...:)
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