Haute Mom to Twin boys!

no more blues~11/14/06 BLUE 04/17/06

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Location: H Town, Texas, United States

38 y/o married to my best friend since 9/12/1998; We met in 1992. Married in 1998; I'm a '91 graduate of the Univ. of Houston. Working on Masters degree in French Literature when I met the love of my life! He was in law school. I left my job in 1996 to work w/him when he opened his Law firm. Married in 1998. Working on our "family" diligently & actively since June 2004; 2 miscarriages, one Sept 2004 and another Dec 2004; Break from TTC per doctor's orders in Jan 2005; resumed family planning once all genetic testing was completed. March 2005 BFN; April 2005 BFN! May 2005 BFN! June 2005? Doc had "the" talk with us, if no bfp this cycle, it's on to IVF --test tube baby for us? maybe! Update: July 2005 underwent 1st IVF cycle, with SUCCESS! We conceived two beautiful little boys, born March 30, 2006 via emergency c-section. I am now wallowing in the joys of early motherhood. That is, lack of sleep, fatigue. My compensation? Smiles from the babies in the middle of the night... 11/14/2006: Babies are now 7 1/2 months old and I couldn't be more happy!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

4 appointments in 3 days

WOW, I had a whirlwind of activity Wed, Thurs & Fri.

Wed. Had my level II u/s & got to see my boys again! Baby A is measuring 3 lbs. 10oz. and Baby B is measuring 3 lbs. 7oz. Big Boys already! Everything else is normal and progressing well.

After the U/S I had an appt. w/my OB. Got a bit of a tongue lashing on the strictness of the diet I need to follow "or else." The risks are too great, and not just for me, for the babies. I've been following a great diet since Monday and I know I can continue to do so. I'll see him again March 7th.

Thursday I saw the Endocrinologist (Diabetes). She did some bloodwork, exam and referred me to a Dietitian. Bloodwork came back borderline anemic *still* just slightly better than the Feb 2005 testing. Even though I'm on One Slow Fe iron pill per day I plan on doubling it starting today. I'll see her back March 23rd. Wasn't too happy to see this doc since she's not on my Insurance plan. Out of pocket for this visit was $845.00.............and more visits planned! I wanted to use this for the babies but I suppose its better than having medical complications whose costs probably are immeasurable. I did get my glucose meter & script for more meter reading stix. Glad I didn't have to "pay" for it, although I know I did in a sense.

Saw the Dietitian on Friday. Another out of pocket expense of $225.00. Got my diet information & instructions on testing my glucose levels~~1st thing in the morning, then 1 hour post-prandial, i.e. 1 hour after my meals. Levels should be 120mg/dl after meals....so far I think I need to adjust my meals since my levels have still been in the 130's. Also, testing my ketone levels with FMU using Ketostix. This is useful for the dietitian for some reason or another I just can't remember... I see the dietitian again March 10th...


Updated my video clips & pics from the ultrasound. The first two clips are adorable, Both babies practicing their breathing and one is shown rubbing his eyes....

Itchiness around the stretch marks area was unbearable last night. I scratched at will b/c it felt sooooo goooood. I did get up twice to put the anti-itch cream on, and it helped some....but the itchiness returned and so did my urge to ease it...

Ordered some of the Nursery decor, still have lots I want!

Plans are to sell the Trooper tomorrow (*yes still haven't done that) & using that money to pay off my convertible. I want to sell it, Hubby says no....What's a convertible going to do for me & the babies??? Pimping the ride just won't be the same anymore...I hope to convince him, maybe offer a trade in for another Benz, just an E class or something more useful....

Off to test for this mornings glucose reading, Fun Fun!


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