Haute Mom to Twin boys!

no more blues~11/14/06 BLUE 04/17/06

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Location: H Town, Texas, United States

38 y/o married to my best friend since 9/12/1998; We met in 1992. Married in 1998; I'm a '91 graduate of the Univ. of Houston. Working on Masters degree in French Literature when I met the love of my life! He was in law school. I left my job in 1996 to work w/him when he opened his Law firm. Married in 1998. Working on our "family" diligently & actively since June 2004; 2 miscarriages, one Sept 2004 and another Dec 2004; Break from TTC per doctor's orders in Jan 2005; resumed family planning once all genetic testing was completed. March 2005 BFN; April 2005 BFN! May 2005 BFN! June 2005? Doc had "the" talk with us, if no bfp this cycle, it's on to IVF --test tube baby for us? maybe! Update: July 2005 underwent 1st IVF cycle, with SUCCESS! We conceived two beautiful little boys, born March 30, 2006 via emergency c-section. I am now wallowing in the joys of early motherhood. That is, lack of sleep, fatigue. My compensation? Smiles from the babies in the middle of the night... 11/14/2006: Babies are now 7 1/2 months old and I couldn't be more happy!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I've had a headache all day..when I say all day, I mean, from the moment I opened my eyes this morning til now as I sit here typing...a headache that has had me wincing all day in pain. Came home from work and napped for about 3 1/2 hours...all this overshadowing what was a wonderful morning, peeking in to see my little ones as they make their way to maturation....

So, I get to the doc's office at 8:45am and I'm in the room by 8:56am, not too shabby...by 9:20 or so, I can't remember anymore, I was having my scan with Dr. G, assisted by a medical student in her residency now. She's lucky, interning with the best of the best. Dr. G founded the ART clinic at OGA over 20 years ago...and has been at his finest in Houston since returning from his residency in California. OGA has built a new building and will be moving late Sept/early October. Dr. G said he'll finally have a window after 24 years in the current building.... Ok, back to me....my ovaries responded well this time to Femara 5g; I had 2 follicles on the right, one big one measuring in at 21mm and another trailing behind at 15mm. The left ovary fell behind this time with just one follicle, measuring 16mm. Doc Rx the Ovidrel trigger and I had that about 9:45am or so... I'm scheduled for IUI on Saturday morning at 8:30am. Apparently, myself and one other patient will be there. I overheard her getting her trigger done just a few minutes before mine...hoping we both are blessed with bfp's this month....

My headache overwhelmed me and I was out of the office within an hour and home in bed before I knew it. I figured it out, about an hour ago, I switched to decaf...could this be a result of caffeine withdrawal??? Damn, caffeine is a powerful drug! I think I'll stop by Starbucks in the morning, I'm not going through this another day, nope, not one more day...

8pm, time to feed the troop!


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