2 words

My expected protocol will be:
birth control pills to level out the playing field
followed by lots of
Stimulating drugs to fatten up those little huevitos of mine
intermittently sprinkled with
Blood tests & ultrasounds a plenty
proceeding to the next level
Retrieval of the ripe eggs from the basket(s)
Quickly place the goods in a petri dish for
Fertilization/karyotyping/grading of the eggs
After 3-5 days, select # and gender of the potential kiddos then
Embryo transfer back into the ol' nest
Wait, wait wait..
Seems easy enough, should do the job. Now, to meditate and pray. and Maybe stand on my head, bounce and chew gum at the same time, twiddle my fingers, twinkle my toes....get the point?
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