Genetics and genes
1st was the Lifestyle Management Class;
2nd was the Meeting with the Genetics Counselor to go over PGD and discuss our options, costs, etc.
The LMC was better than I expected. I was "almost" dreading the meeting. It went well. We discussed my family history and turns out, I've got great "genes"! We discussed exercise, nutrition, stress reduction techniques and "reducing inflammation" of the cells by "getting back to nature." A model used was the old days and the seasons, from January to January. Harvesting vegetables, fruits then grains....I'm to increase fruits and vegetables and reduce grains (to zero); Since I don't really like fish, he's going to give me some fish oil supplements. I'm to stay away from all sugars of course (no more cake!); Exercise EVERYDAY for at least 60 to 90 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm also to monitor my heart rate. We went out and got me a Nike Imara heart rate monitor @ Academy yesterday. It has the belt that goes around the diaphragm and the watch. Resting/sitting in the truck I had a 34 h/r. I'm to measure my Low and High and try to stay in my "zone" for at least 60-90 minutes a day. The zone will be on the high end, probably some where about 150-180., I think. I still need to measure it today when I go up and exercise.
No more milk! What? how about my cereal and oatmeal? hmmm, must find a replacement.
20 minutes of meditation per day, in 5 minute increments. once in the morning, once at night and need to fit two additional ones in during the day. During my time of meditation, there are to be nothing but positive thoughts, time to visualize my uterus, the tubes, my ovaries, visualize the egg meeting the sperm and travelling to my uterus and implanting firmly, growing, visualize my pregnancy, smell the baby, see the baby, smell the diapers etc. I'm to do this without allowing any negative thoughts into my mind. Make it happen, mind over matter.
I have my next appt. on Thursday morning at 7am, just before my IVF appt. I'll be getting my meal list, foods that I should be eating/quantity etc. and the foods on the Banned list. So the sum that up, I'm to
a) increase my exercise;
b) revamp my nutrition (I already bought my fish oil supplements);
c) reduce stress with meditation and
d) reduce the underlying inflammation by doing a, b, & c
Our meeting with the genetic counselor was what I expected. Discussion of PGD, its benefits, limitations, risks, cost, etc. We have the option of skipping pgd if, for example, we only get 2 good embies, etc. However, hubby and I have discussed, we want pgd no matter how many, its just something that we want to do. The cost is $2500 whether we have 2 or 10 embies. PGD will screen for the 8 most common genetic disorders, one of which my Angel baby had in September, 45x known as Turner's Syndrome. Because PGD is done on day 3 and takes two days for results, we obviously will be transferring on day 5, blastocysts. Hubby and I have discussed the number, and we're willing to risk it and transfer back 3, because of my age and because we'll accept it if multiples are in our future. We received our consent forms and will need to sign those and fax them back when we've decided. Payment is due prior to PGD, so the $2500.00 is due pretty much no later than August 8th, the day of my scheduled Egg retrieval.
I'm so excited that this journey of mine is going smoothly so far. I don't expect any major delays or obstacles and I plan on getting pregnant this cycle. I've stopped worrying about whether we have a boy or girl, and have decided that we want a healthy baby, or two~~!
That's pretty much it for now. I exercised today, and ruined it by going over to MIL who loaded a plate and watched me eat then offered more, no thanks, I'm overflowing! I was totally upset, and wished we hadn't gone over. But, we did and I have only myself to look to. It wasn't that it was all fatty foods or anything, just items not necessarily going to be on my list of foods to eat and then way too much of it.
That's it, that's all, til there's more to say, Aloha....
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