TTC #1 since 1998;
Clomid~3 failed rounds Jan-Mar 2000
Injectibles!1 failed round Apr 2000
PG July '04 ended in m/c (Natural conception)
PG Oct '04 ended in m/c (Femara baby)
Femara~4 failed rounds Mar-Jun '05
Moving on to IVF July '05
CURRENT CYCLE:Cycle 07/03/05; IVF
Meds: Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, calcium, Desogen 28~birth control
Tests: b/w results: All NORMAL! (no cystic fibrosis! Yes!)
Also negative for Hepatitus B, Hepatitus C, HIV and Syphillis! (all negatives YAYAY~)
07/06/05: b/w & begin bcp-Desogen 28
07/12/05: DH b/w;
7/13/05: IVF consult (rescheduled) & DH's Strict morph SA
Past History:
Cycle 06/05/05;
Meds: Femara 5mg, Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calcium
I scratched IVF for this month, needed more time.
06/07/05 Start Femara 5g CD3-9 (again)
06/16/05 CD12 Follie scan; Right ovary 21mm & 15mm; Left ovary 16mm; Lining 8mm thick; Triggered ovulation (Ovidrel) 9:30am.
06/18/05 CD14 IUI 8:30am; Both follies on right had ovulated; Left pending; Lining 10mm; DH 122 million/15 million post wash; PAF added;
Doc had "THE" talk with us, if no bfp this cycle, we HAVE to move on :(
07/02/05 BFN...on to IVF/PGD
Cycle 5/06/05;
Meds: Femara 5mg, Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calcium
5/18/05 CD12 Follie Scan 20mm & 15mm on Left ovary; Nothing on Right (resting?) Lining 10mm thick. Trigger w/Ovidrel 10am; +OPK 8pm
5/19/05 CD13 +OPK5/20/05 CD14 IUI; Doc added PAF to semen prep to help the swimmers! DH 101 million count; 46% motility; Lining 10mm; Both follicles had ovulated.
06/01/05 12DPO BFN! losing symptoms previously attributed to bfp.
06/04/05 AF cramping...BFN!
Cycle 4/7/05;
Meds: Femara 5mg, Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calciumDiagnosis: 628.9~Infertility
4/17/05 Spotting/cramps
4/18/05 CD12 Follie scan; 18mm on right 15mm on left; Lining is 7mm thick;
4/19/05 CD13~Ovidrel self-administered @ 7pm
4/21/05 CD15~IUI 9am; Right ovary-ovulated; Left ovary, follicle 23mm ovulating before my very eyes. Lining 12mm thick. DH~62mil with 50% motility, 4 million count (need to verify)
5/01/05 BFN!
5/02/05 BFN!
5/03/05 BFN!
Cycle 3/7/05;
Meds: Femara 2.5mg, Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calciumBack to TTC! Finally! After what seemed like forever!
3/18/05 CD12 13mm & 11mm on right; 13mm follie on left!
3/21/05 CD15 18mm on right; 17m on left; Lining 11.5mm; HCG shot Ovidrel
3/23/05 IUI scheduled & performed
4/04/05 BFN digital!
4/05/05 Beginning to spot......
4/07/05 More spotting...fatigue & a headache with hot flashes. Still bfn's though
Cycle 1/28/05;
Meds: Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calciumDoctors orders to remain on TTC break pending geneticist report & karyotyping results
1/29/05 Recurrent spontaneous aborter (RSA) blood panel (13 tests) & repeat hcg
2/02/05--Hcg down to zero Chromosome anaylsis normal!
2/11/05--Results of RSA panel-All "normal" except MTHFR which was Positive, to be Rx Folate 4g
Cycle 12/28/04;
Meds: Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calcium Resting this cycle while I'm post-miscarriage... doctor's orders to see a Geneticist then possible release to return to TTC or IVF depending on results.
1/05/05 b/w for hcg level 200 (down from 7,000)
1/10/05 Geneticist appt. Had b/w for karyotyping; b/w for hcg level (down to 42!) AF due soon.
Cycle 10/29/04;
Meds: Femara 2.5mg, Metformin 1500mg, prenatals & calcium
11/10/04 U/S~CD13~18mm follicle 10mm on right; 11mm on left
11/11/04 Trigger Ovidrel -self administered
11/13/04 Ovulation
11/25/04 BFP! cautiously expecting
12/23/04 Slow growth, cautiously expecting
12/28/04 M/C naturally at home. No cause found but Dr. thinks its chromosomal.
Cycle 7/14/04;
Meds: Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, calcium
7/22/04 HSG -All Clear
7/26/04 18mm follie
7/30/04 25mm follie! Trigger/Ovidrel
8/13/04 BFP! OMG!
9/01/04 Heard heartbeat 1st time --called fetal heart tones
9/15/04 Heartbeating nicely!
9/29/04 M/C @ 11 weeks; Chrom. Analysis revealed Turner's Syndrome
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