During the week of my betas, she emailed me daily, keeping up with me and very much interested/concerned about my welfare. She suffered through OHSS so I had alot of questions for her about that, as well as guiding me through IVF with questions/concerns. She also followed me closely during the IVF process, asking my estrogen levels, wanting to know about ER, fertilization reports etc. Just a jewel if there ever was one.
Anyway, she went through Femara, IUI's etc like I did, and finally moved on to IVF-ICSI-PGD and is now pregnant with a baby girl (24 weeks).
Well Thursday, she went into labor and is now in the hospital. She needs lots of prayers for her little one. She's on strict bedrest, her amniotic sac is trying to escape through the cerclage stitch she has in place due to incompetent cervix. Her baby is only a little over 1 pound. She's hooked up to monitors and they expect her to stay in the hospital until the baby is born.
Lots of prayers are needed at this time.... she needs to get her little "puschka" to grow in utero but the situation is very touch and go. She is in the best care possible with Dr. Adam, perintologist (sp?) renowned nation wide and among the top 10 in the nation. Although she is in the best of hands, the power of prayer can not be understated....We women know that if we were in my friends shoes, we would appreciate the love, support and prayers from even strangers to us.
Everything up to this point had been uneventful, seeing her High Risk Peri every 10 days though. Never had a problem and although they had mentioned that she'd be on bedrest after 12 weeks, she never did get bedrest instructions since she was doing so well....Prayers prayers and more prayers are needed. That's all we can really do for her, after all.

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