Today Max & Joey got into another one of their fights; Bad, DH thought Joey had Max's eye and that got me sticking my hand in the middle of the fight, trying my hardest to pry Joey's mouth open. Turns out he had the skin under Max's eye. Thank you God. I was already envisioning Max without an eye. So DH made a decision that had neither Max or Joey happy. Muzzles. Yup, both of them had muzzles smacked on today. I was heart sick seeing them and Max ran to me, trying to get it off. I know that Im the mother figure for them, the one who always fixes their ouchy, feeds their hunger, quenches their thirst, whets their whistle. But today, all I could do was watch DH as he monitored their behavior. I know its for the best, they nearly killed each other today.
So in order, here are Joey & Max post-I-think-Im-the-alfa-male-fight:

Under Max's left eye is his boxer cut he got in the fight; He was hang-dogging it hard; Joey adjusted better and went over to the picnic table to take a nap while Max sat by the door head drooping, in a "help" mode.
Both Dh & I have nice reminders on our thumbs of today's fiasco. My index finger is numb but Im sure it'll be fine by morning.
On the fertility front, massive Femara headache today, had me whispering to avoid loud sounds. Weight is cooperating although I haven't made it back on the treadmill yet.
Tomorrow, calling Doc G to get my scan appt. before it's too late!
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