Haute Mom to Twin boys!

no more blues~11/14/06 BLUE 04/17/06

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Location: H Town, Texas, United States

38 y/o married to my best friend since 9/12/1998; We met in 1992. Married in 1998; I'm a '91 graduate of the Univ. of Houston. Working on Masters degree in French Literature when I met the love of my life! He was in law school. I left my job in 1996 to work w/him when he opened his Law firm. Married in 1998. Working on our "family" diligently & actively since June 2004; 2 miscarriages, one Sept 2004 and another Dec 2004; Break from TTC per doctor's orders in Jan 2005; resumed family planning once all genetic testing was completed. March 2005 BFN; April 2005 BFN! May 2005 BFN! June 2005? Doc had "the" talk with us, if no bfp this cycle, it's on to IVF --test tube baby for us? maybe! Update: July 2005 underwent 1st IVF cycle, with SUCCESS! We conceived two beautiful little boys, born March 30, 2006 via emergency c-section. I am now wallowing in the joys of early motherhood. That is, lack of sleep, fatigue. My compensation? Smiles from the babies in the middle of the night... 11/14/2006: Babies are now 7 1/2 months old and I couldn't be more happy!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


So I woke up this morning devastated, having had a terrible dream....about my little embies. I dreamt that I received a call from the nurse that most if not all of my little embies had either quit growing or had other problems. Result? transfer of 4 blasts....I knew in my dream that transferring so many meant that probably NONE of them were viable. I woke up from that hell and can't shake the idea from my head.

Today I'll be saying lots of prayers for my 15 little ones. I know they are defenseless in that lab, cold and wondering where mom and dad are..

My little ones, stay strong. Mommy and Daddy have been thinking of you daily. Grandma is already coo-ing you all. We love you ALL equally and immensely. God has a plan and YOU are included in that plan..

Love, Mom

Update: I suppose maybe some of my dream was right. The doc walked in, said 4 blasts were normal. and I'm thinking he wasn't all that forthright about everything.... maternal instinct? He said of the 4, one was "questionable" and offered the chance to transfer the 3 instead of 2. I knew it was bad since he was offering to transfer 3 back. He said 2 were possibly still in the running, and if they continued to divide normally, he would freeze those. So as of today, zero left. I'm hoping to have the 2, in case we need them.

Only time will tell. Had the transfer done, 3 blasts. Didn't give me the grade on any of them. Said that the others were all missing a chromosome. 10 of 14 abnormal. We are grateful that we decided to pursue pgd. I'll know in about a week whether I "feel" pregnant. For now, I continue with progesterone, estradiol patches, prenatals. Medrol til tomorrow.



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