Denise & I
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Next day!
On the IVf front, more b/w and a shot yesterday. (Wed) I'm starting to feel like a pin cushion. E2 level is at 1739, progesterone at .9 and LH at 3. Got a shot of Cetrotide right in the tummy, and this morning its sore. Skipped ovidrel again last night. I asked the nurse about it, she said I'm responding "too well" to the meds. Which I guess in the big picture, is a good thing and the doc adjusts the meds accordingly. I had over 12+ follies growing. The doc measures the biggest 6 on each side. My left caught up to and surpassed the right ovary. Sizes ranged from 10mm to 14mm. There were many more he could've counted. My lining is nice & thick at 10.5mm Everything is progressing nicely, no real s/e, somewhat of a "mood" yesterday, more like I was tired of being poked with the dildo-cam, blood taken, shots & injections and most importantly, having to look at my abdomen riddled with little poke marks. The cetrotide left me bloaty and sore this morning. Doc said I could continue aerobic activity, (treadmill/yoga) but not let my heart-rate get up 120 for too long. Oddly enough, today my HR was nice and even at 118 bpm. My average today was 110bpm. I did 465 calories for 114 minutes total, of which 104 minutes in my "zone." Perfect.
Well tomorrow I have to pay for all of this, $8500 to the doc for IVF & PGD. ($7000 for IVF and $1500 for the doc's part of the PGD, i.e. biopsy of my little embies to send to Baylor) Another $2500 next Wednesday will go to Baylor for the work they're gonna do with PGD-i.e, testing and results. Good thing is that the meds have been covered so far. All in all out of pocket for ancillary things has been about $900 as of today (8/4/05) --copays, supplements, health-related, the Heart rate monitor ($100) and the nutritionists fees ($385)
Now, heading to the showers. It's trial prep time for Pre-trial conference Hubby has tomorrow. Unfortunately, he'll have to go it alone since I'll be in for my last follow up and hopefully, instructions on preparations for Monday's Egg retrieval.
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