7 & 7
Although plagued that day by the reminents of Tropical storm Francis, I did not let that get in my way of having a wonderful day. The outdoor ceremony was moved inside, but my marriage was celebrated, more importantly, in my heart. I remember all of the wonderful food, the fruit and cheese table was breath taking. We had a roast carving station, a pasta station, and a buffet line filled with scrumptuous foods like stuffed mushrooms, sesame chicken and the like. The buffet centerpiece was my Ice sculpture of a beautiful swan.....We spent our wedding night @ the Doubletree Guest suites just down the street, where we saw "???" a rapper, armed with two hoochies on each elbow, exiting his limo. Next day, we had our breakfast feast at home with family, at which time we opened most of our wedding presents. We honeymooned in California, first in Santa Barbara, staying at the Fess Parker Doubletree resort
After leaving Santa Barbara, we stopped in for a short visit with my SIL Elvia in Santa Monica. http://www.pistolerapost.com/ From there we drove to Lake Forest to visit my brother Bobby and his wife Angela & my two gorgeous nephews Robbie & Jimmie. We then made our way to Laguna Beach, where we spent two wonderful nights at the Sand n Surf hotel, right on Laguna Beach. I remember we left the patio doors open, and the high tides keeping me up most of the night :) http://www.surfandsandresort.com/
From there, we traveled down to San Diego and met up with a friend of Elvia who had arranged to have us stay with her mother in Rosarita, just south of Tijuana Mexico, in Baja California. The home was a luxury home, atop a hill, overlooking the ocean, just near where the Titanic was filmed. We spent one night there, enjoyed lobster & the first Oscar DeLaHoya v. Cesar Chavez fight over dinner. The next few days were sight seeing, back to California and to Santa Monica to sleep over one night with Elvia. Short but sweet, it was the honeymoon I'd always imagined growing up as a little girl.
Every year has brought something different to the marriage. In the end, we're still happy. Noodle brain as I am, Hubby had to be the first to say "Happy Anniversary" as I woke up a total zombie and sat with him during coffee for a good 10 minutes before realizing it was our 7th anniversary! Was finally able to get over to get his gifts...Austin rocks tee, Harley attire and an art piece of MexicArt ( a wooden bull, colorful) http://www.mexic-artemuseum.org/info/index.html Will try to get a pic up as soon as he opens it!
Today I'm 7 weeks pregnant:

Baby has grown into an embryo about the size of a raspberry and has a tiny beating heart. Your baby's face has a recognizable shape with eyelids and the tip of a nose with formed nostrils, though his head is still very large compared to the rest of his body. All major organs are now formed and in place, though they still need to mature. A tongue has already formed. The ears are forming both internally and externally. The arms and legs extend forward and shoulders, elbows, hips and knees are detectable. Knees and elbows have begun to form on the limbs. Tiny fingers and toes are starting to appear at the tips of your baby's developing limbs and the arms may be slightly flexed at the elbows and wrists. All major organs are in place. Your baby is moving around a lot, moving his legs and flexing his spine, but you are unable to feel it at this point. Your baby's genitals have begun development, though they are still difficult to identify. (Taken from FF)
Total and complete fatigue. Nausea. sore bb's, cramping, gassy, moody, hungry all the time, but too nauseous to eat anything but soup & crackers. Bloating is completely gone. pre-belly size back. Down to 127, due in part, no doubt, from the nausea and food aversions I've had.
Enjoying his pregnant wife. Talks to the babies in the morning, still conveying messages from them to me. too cute. Still nesting!
Follow-up & ultrasound in two days...feels like just yesterday I was there with the dildo cam getting my first peek at the little bean baby.
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