Mo' betta pics~

Marcus Gabriel--just after his bath...

Matthew Isaiah--just after his bath...

Our boyzzzzz

Had our 1st regular Pediatrician appointment today. Boys got theit Hepatitis B shots...OUCH! Both cried and Daddy had to leave the room. I'm more able to tolerate things like that, having had to inject myself for IVF, then Gestational Diabetes etc...
Had my 1st follow up appointment with Dr. Jacobs. He's still at a loss for what happened to me. He talks about it every time I see him. Removed my steri-stips and I must admit, I have a very small almost non visible scar from the c-section! WOW!
On a darker note, I found a breast lump medially, high up near my breast bone...Mammgram next Friday...sure puts a damper on things til then.
Boys also had to go over to the hospital for their 2ns newborn screening test...another prick on the heel. Matthew didn't cry at all, just looked at the nurse. Marcus, squealed as usual. I LOVE Marcus' cry for some reason...I know I'll regret to have said that :)
My next follow up is in 5 weeks with Dr. Jacobs. The boys will be seen at 2 months for their next regular Pediatriatric appointment.
Love them boys!!!
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