Haute Mom to Twin boys!

no more blues~11/14/06 BLUE 04/17/06

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Location: H Town, Texas, United States

38 y/o married to my best friend since 9/12/1998; We met in 1992. Married in 1998; I'm a '91 graduate of the Univ. of Houston. Working on Masters degree in French Literature when I met the love of my life! He was in law school. I left my job in 1996 to work w/him when he opened his Law firm. Married in 1998. Working on our "family" diligently & actively since June 2004; 2 miscarriages, one Sept 2004 and another Dec 2004; Break from TTC per doctor's orders in Jan 2005; resumed family planning once all genetic testing was completed. March 2005 BFN; April 2005 BFN! May 2005 BFN! June 2005? Doc had "the" talk with us, if no bfp this cycle, it's on to IVF --test tube baby for us? maybe! Update: July 2005 underwent 1st IVF cycle, with SUCCESS! We conceived two beautiful little boys, born March 30, 2006 via emergency c-section. I am now wallowing in the joys of early motherhood. That is, lack of sleep, fatigue. My compensation? Smiles from the babies in the middle of the night... 11/14/2006: Babies are now 7 1/2 months old and I couldn't be more happy!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I thought of you today

Hi honey. I thought of you today. Dad & I had a lot of errands to run. That kept my mind busy. But then we got home and I put everything away and wandered over to the PC as I always do. Of course I surfed mindlessly without thinking much of what I really wanted to see. I looked over some ultrasound pics of baby's yet to be born. I smiled and coo'ed at many pics and then my mind wandered to you. And to your sister. I thought of your cousin whose growing big as we speak. We don't know if you'll have a boy cousin or a girl cousin yet. We'll find out in a couple of weeks. Of course I'm hoping to see you two playing together someday....in sand boxes or on swings. Maybe play football together or riding bikes. Dad & I are gonna watch the Superbowl tonight, the Patriots vs. the Eagles. Dad's rooting for the Patriots. I always root for Dad's team. Grandma is coming over to bring us some of her famous chicken tacos/tostadas. They are sooo scrumptuous! You'll know one day. Grandma has been praying for us, lighting candles daily. Grandpa is going to church everyday too. He's 75 and will be 76 this September. You'll have to come home soon to meet both of them. They are patiently waiting for you. We love you, remember that. And we know it's a tough road ahead but we're here and will be holding you hands each and every step of the way. Love, Mom 2/6/2005.