More pics of the nursery goodies. I'm not nearly as excited about them as before b/c at this point, I just want babies to fill them up.
Stroller, bouncer and boppy.. Oh & a pic of the twin onesies I bought the boys although it won't be their coming home outfit as they are for 6 mos. The hats I might use for the hospital. My two peas in my pod...

Me at 35 weeks on Monday in what can obviously be seen as my sheer happiness at my curreny predicament. Oh and yes, that is Caladryl all over my belly. Nice. I also had to "Paint" pants onto the pic as I was too lazy to slip some on for pics...

Last night and Sunday night I was up pacing the halls all night. Last night though, I got a brilliant idea to take a Unisom (1/2 of one anyway) about 5am so I was in bed through noon and then afterwards felt like a noodle, no energy whatsoever. I won't be trying that again..
tonight I hope to get some sleep. Tomorrow I have a non-stress test and then afterwards I'll see Dr. Jacobs for my routine PIAC (pee in a cup) and group B strep test. I expect to hear "we'll see" when I ask about inducement dates and then another appt. a week from tomorrow after which "we'll see" what happens...I want to walk this weekend as much as I can to bring on labor, maybe it'll work, maybe it won't....we'll see.